Saturday, November 25, 2006

the holidays have arrived...but not with style

This week marks the beginning of a month long frenzy to buy things, get things, and if you feel like it, give things. This is the season to stab people over video game system and MP3 players. This is apparently what the holidays are all about. But not so, says I! Thanksgiving is a perfect example of why I feel like there is more than consuming and buying and shopping. For a few hours that Thursday my family was able to peacefully coexist. It was almost as if the shitstorm that happened two nights before had never happened at all. It was really freakin' nice. We ate a lot and laughed even more, and it was certainly nice to feel a bit more of that family unity. We certainly were silly a lot of the time. I was able to let down my gaurd and put a green napkin on my head. My cousin Tiff and I ate like piggies(just kidding, though we did eat a lot!) Then, Becca, Logan, Tiff and myself all taste tested some really nasty sodas. They were horrible flavors. As seen in the picture of me with the not-so-nice look on my face: (edit- we weren't drinking Coke zero, that wasn't the disgusting ones at least... we were chasing the shots of nastiness with the coke zero). Other than the nice Thanksgiving day things have been pretty blah. I went and hung out with Alan on Friday, and things were weird. I don't know what to do, because I feel very strongly about him, and he knows it, I'm scared of screwing things up. He's pretty much the only really good friend I have. For some reason I can't connect with the people at school. I don't get it. Things in the way of guitar aren't great either. My lesson this week was 17 minutes. 17 freaking minutes! All I can think to say is: "wtf". Meh. I wish I could talk to a number of people right now, all of them unavalible because they actually have lives and families and stuff. Becca is at her friends house, and dad is asleep on the couch. I have no idea where the hell mom is. The dog is being herself. I need to cut this short and go practice.

Friday, November 10, 2006


so, i have been battling sickness for the past 3 days. been out of school for 2 days. ugh. there was a nasty bug that's floating around the music hall. ugh. not fun.

yesterday marked a 5 year anniversary since i met a very good friend. it's weird how much he helped me grow, and it's really nice knowing he has my back still. i wrote him and told him and he said he's really proud of me and that i grew up well. words like that don't come to me everyday, so when i hear them they are really special.

today is Marcy's birthday!! i called her about half an hour ago, and me and miranda sang her an impromptu version of the "happy birthday" song. i hope she liked it. or that it at least made her giggle.

the dog work me up twice last night wanting to go outside. i about let her go by's my fault though, because i didn't take her to do her business... tonight i will remember!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Something funny just happened. I was writing about "What goes around comes around" for sort of an insightful bit for my "Inferno" paper, and then I had to log on to my email to get my works cited, and there in my inbox sat an email from a good friend whom I had not heard from and had been hoping to hear from for quite some time.

Karma can be a good thing.

My weekend was alright. Friday night was the party for my aunt and uncle, that was fun. My aunt was a bit buzzed. She's so nice though. I wish I would have known how nice she was sooner (there was a whole bunch of dumb family drama that got in the way before)... crazy. Then, Sat. I worked til 6:30, then Becca and I went to see "The Marraige of Figaro". It was throughly entertained the entire time, which is something I cannot say for "Don Giovanni". Maybe it's because "Figaro" was a comedy.

Back to work on my paper.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

a man and a guitar on a tv screen

I got the DVD "Sunken Treasure" in the mail yesterday, and boy is it phenomenal! I've never seen Mr. Tweedy play solo, and it was amazing. He's a really funny guy too. The great thing is that i am not scared to say that "In A Future Age" made me cry.

I'm wondering how Kate is doing. Hopefully she's not in too much pain... (Kate, if you read this say hey or something!)