Saturday, December 30, 2006


christmas has come and gone, and it was okay. not too bad, but there were some things that were not very good about it. i don't feel like typing about it, because it is late, and i have better things to do right now.

becca and i bought walkie-talkies at wal-mart today.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

i'm going to see Jeff Tweedy!

I am going to see Jeff Tweedy in Knoxville in January. It's a Christmas present from my dad and I couldn't be happier about it.

This morning was the online ticket pre-sale, and it was crazy to say the least. I manged to get a seat in row G, and my dad is on the opposite side of the theatre in row L. I am super excited for the show, and over tomorrow sometime I will post my dream setlist!

woot! life is good.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

cute kids

I was talking to a friend on the phone, and his kid was really cute. Making car noises and I even talked to him for a minute. How cute!
Anyway, it's funny how a little kid can make your day so much brighter.



Things with school have been very busy, which is why I have failed to update in a while. Or at least a real update with the goings on in my life.
I am so excited that school is coming to an end. Only a few more days and I will be free for a month. This semester has taught me the importance of tolerance, not just for myself, but for others. I need to accept that I can't change how people are, I can only be supportive. It sure is easier said than done. Especially in the family department. Things have just about gone bananas at my house, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. My sister and I pretty much just have to stap ourselves in and see what happens. I can't help but feel a since om impending doom about the whole situation.
As long as I can take things one day at a time I can get through this.
"Breathe in you are stong"... I swear that song is like my mantra all of the time now.

Dad and I put up the Christmas lights this weekend, and they really to brighten up the yard. There's also the Santa and Reindeere combo that's out in the middle of the yard, and the crazy demented Mr. and Mrs. Clause. There will be pictures most definately by the end of this week, as it's too pretty to not take pictures of.

I bought my sister a very cool present. I hope she likes it.

Friday, December 08, 2006

i'm alive

just wanted to check in